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  3. European Standard Dance Championship: Wroclaw 2016
European Standard Dance Championship: Wroclaw 2016

On May 14, the Centennial Hall will host European Standard Dance Championship. It will be one of major sports events in Wroclaw this year, and at the same time a test event for the Non-Olympic Sport Games, the World Games 2017.

On May 14, competitors from twenty countries will arrive in the Centennial Hall, to compete for the one, the best, the champion duo of dancers in Europe. At each stage of the competition, all the way to the finals, the pairs will present five standard dances, such as waltz, Viennese waltz, foxtrot and quickstep. The event will be accompanied by additional tournaments, so that the audience can feast their eyes on the hot Latin rhythms.

The main organizer of the competition is the DanceSport Federation, a representative of the Polish dance in World DanceSport Federation, and a member of the Olympic movement under the auspices of the International Olympic Committee. The partner of the event is the organizer of The World Games 2017.

Voluntary service during the European Standard Dance Championship will be an opportunity to see the backstage of a grand, international event and personally meet the best contestants of the Old Continent. All those who prove themselves can count on a volunteer engagement at The World Games 2017. The best will become team leaders during next year's Games.

'We are committed to establish relationships with volunteers even today. That's why we welcome them to participate in test events. We would like them also to afterwards tell us what worked, and what needs improving. Without the engagement of the volunteers no sports event will succeed, says Lech Guzowski, coordinator of volunteer service in the Wroclaw Organisation Committee.

2 000 volunteers are needed to organise The World Games. Each person is guaranteed board and lodging, as well as free transport. Volunteers will also receive outfits and equipment necessary for their jobs.

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