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  3. Consulate of Norway opens in Wroclaw
Consulate of Norway opens in Wroclaw

The Consulate of Norway officially opens in Wroclaw on Friday 22 April, at 6.15 pm. The consulate is housed at the Under the Blue Sun Mall in Rynek 7.

The opening ceremony will be followed by a gala at the Ossolineum in ul Szewska 37. The event is going to gather over 200 guests representing both Polish and Norwegian institutions, including Elsbeth Tronstad, Secretary of State at the Nowrwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Karsten Klepsvik, Ambassador of Norway to Poland; Dawid Jackiewicz, Poland's Minister of Treasury; and Wroclaw's Deputy Mayor Adam Grehl.

The Consulate will contribute to the strategic partnership between our region and the Kingdom of Norway, which is going to benefit our economy, culture and communities. Local businesses will be able to acquire new and reliable partners. With access to foreign capital, they will be able to pursue new projects and accomplish their goals more effectively. The citizens in turn will be offered the opportunity to quickly process their enquiries at the Consulate. They will also be given wider access to Norwegian culture.

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