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  3. Concerts in NFM already in August
Concerts in NFM already in August

Tickets for two of the three test concerts are still available. For a symbolic fee of 1 PLN, you can not only listen to singing choirs (on the 7th of August) and a symphony orchestra (on the 14th of August), but also take a seat in the big concert hall of the National Forum of Music, which will be tested by acoustics experts during these events.

Singing Europe

Singing Europe is a cycle stemming from two excellent educational program – Singing Wroclaw and Singing Poland. The originator of all of these cycles is Andrzej Kosendiuk, the director of the National Forum of Music and the Wratislavia Cantans festival, who wanted to motivate young people to sing, particularly because music education in schools is very selective. Paul McCreesh, who has been invited to conduct Singing Europe concerts in three successive years (2013-2016), will conduct in Wroclaw on the 8th of August (this concert is already sold out) and remarks that the idea is worth continuing, because its educational value is priceless.

Test concerts – 7th and 14th of August

The program of the concert on the 7th of August at 7:00 p.m. will encompass old classical music (e.g., by Thomas Tallis, the court composer of Henry VIII and his children), contemporary music (Henryk Mikołaj Górecki) and popular music (songs of Duke Ellington, The Beatles and Pharell Williams). The main roles will be played (or, more aptly, sung) by the English ensemble Voces8, the Academic Choir of the Wroclaw University of Technology, the Academic Choir of the University of Warsaw, the Choir of the University of Silesia and the Student Choir of the University in Pardubice.

A week later, on the 14th of August, you are also invited to attend the performance of the NFM Symphony Orchestra conducted by Benjamin Shwartz, the boss of the project. The program includes, among others, the “With the kettledrum stroke” Symphony by Joseph Haydn and the orchestral composition 'The Sea’ by Claude Debussy.

But the concert hall itself will not be less important than music – this will be the first opportunity for Wroclaw music lovers to take seats in the biggest hall with a capacity of 1,300. Their presence is necessary, because technicians will be decorating the hall during the concert in order to find the best acoustic solutions.

Tickets cost 1 PLN

Tickets for test concerts on the 7th and the 14th of August will be available in the box office of NFM (in NFM's building) from the 3rd of August (the box office will be open from 11:00 a.m. till 6:00 p.m. and 2 hours before concerts).

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