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  3. Breast milk bank to be created in Wroclaw
Breast milk bank to be created in Wroclaw

The first breast milk bank in the region will be have been launched at the Wroclaw University Research Hospital in ul Borowska by the end of the year. The breast milk supply will primarily help premature babies whose mothers cannot breastfeed them on their own. The project received a subsidy of 320 thousand PLN from the city authorities.

The idea to create the first breast milk bank in Wroclaw came from the city councillor Agnieszka Kędzierska, who had a premature baby herself and is a great promoter of breast feeding. "The idea was fully approved by Mayor Rafał Dutkiewicz, and I was given a green light," she says.

"The agreement with the hospital will be signed in a few days and we will be able to proceed and create the bank. We are planning to launch it at the end of November," she adds.

Premature babies and research

The breast milk at the bank will be both tested and pasteurised. It will be used to feed the premature babies born not only in Wroclaw but in the entire region. This natural food is like a medicine for the babies. It makes them more immune and helps fight infections.

However, the breast milk will also be used for several other purposes. The surplus will be used to feed healthy babies whose mothers are unable to provide enough milk on their own. "As long as they are happy with it, which is not always the case," admits Agnieszka Kędzierska.

The breast milk that was left after feeding the baby will not go to waste. It will be used in hospital and university labs for research.

Seeking healthy milk...

The bank is going to collect surplus milk from the mothers. The creators of the bank have little worry about the supply. "We can now already see some interest. We have two or three phone calls every day," admits Lucyna Świderska, a midwife from the Wroclaw University Research Hospital who is going to work at the bank. There will also be a biologist on staff.

"The bank will be operating like a blood bank. Milk donors will be tested for viruses. They cannot smoke, drink or take some medicines and toxic substances," she explains. The milk is tested for protein content, fats and calories.

The milk will be provided to the babies only if it meets the criteria. Women attending antenatal classes now know they can become breast milk donors. Posters promoting the breast milk bank will soon be distributed in hospitals.

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