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  3. Amazon still recruits [OFFERS, REMUNERATION]
Amazon still recruits [OFFERS, REMUNERATION]

Until now Amazon, an American online sales giant, has recruited mainly executive staff and employee team leaders, who are still sought, among others, by the County Labour Office in Wroclaw. At the beginning of August, the company will start another stage of recruitment in order to engage 700 regular employees for its logistic centre near Wroclaw.

Recruitment will continue till the end of 2014, with blue-collar employees being sought for goods collection, packaging and stacking jobs.

“Blue-collar employees working for Amazon will receive remuneration in the gross amount of PLN 12.5 per hour,” says Maciej Sandacz, Deputy Office Service Marketing Director of the County Labour Office in Wroclaw. “Offers will also be available in our office, and the application process will take place via Amazon website.

Temporary jobs will be available, too

In addition, at the beginning of September, recruitment of a few hundred persons for temporary jobs for the Christmas period will begin. In this case, the gross rate per working hour will be PLN 12.5, too. Offers will be available also in the base of the County Labour Office and will be presented by recruitment agents in the seat of the Office. Currently, the base of the County Labour Office in Wroclaw still contains valid job offers for team leaders, who have been sought by Amazon for over a month.

The questionnaire available on Amazon’s recruitment website will contain a few dozen questions, but the company management assures that it will be user-friendly. The application will be available only online. If a candidate has any problems when filling in the application form, he can call the helpline at 0 801 800 203 (payment per 1 impulse, irrespective of the length of the call).

As many as 2,000 jobs

In each logistic centre near Wroclaw, Amazon plans to employ up to 2,000 persons on a permanent basis and 3,000 persons on a temporary basis in pre-Christmas periodsRecruitment panel AMAZON CURRENT OFFERS

Amazon is an American company based in Seattle, which has the largest dispatch sales network in the world. It is one of the pioneers in e-sales. It was established in 1994, originally as an e-bookshop. Its assortment was soon expanded with DVDs, music, computer equipment, electronic devices, furniture, consumer goods and many others. Amazon has divisions in Canada, Great Britain, Germany, France, China, Japan, Italy, Spain and Brazil. Since August 2013, Amazon has also been an online auction house.


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