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  3. 71st anniversary of Warsaw Uprising in Wroclaw
71st anniversary of Warsaw Uprising in Wroclaw

Wroclaw will commemorate the 71st anniversary of the outbreak of the Warsaw Uprising with a rock concert, a special show of the Multimedia Fountain and the wailing of sirens.

On the 1st of August 1944, exactly at 5:00 p.m., the troops of the Home Army (AK) Warsaw District and the units at the disposal of the Home Army Headquarters launched an assault on German targets in all the areas in the Nazi-occupied Warsaw. This year we are celebrating the 71st anniversary of the outbreak of the Warsaw Uprising.

1st of August in Wroclaw

  • Sirens to wail at 5:00 p.m.

The celebrations of the 71st anniversary of the Warsaw Uprising will start on the 1st of August. In order to commemorate the heroism of the fighters, the civil defence of Wroclaw will activate an alarm siren system upon the order of the Head of the Lower Silesian Province exactly at 5:00 p.m. – the “W” Hour. From 5:00 p.m. till 5:03 p.m., the warning signal will be heard, and from 5:08 p.m. till 5:11 p.m., the all-clear signal will be heard.

Distribution of alarm sirens:

  1. ul. Swobodna 71
  2. ul. Piłsudskiego 62
  3. ul. Stalowa 62
  4. ul. Parkowa 18
  5. ul. Gołężycka 4a
  6. pl. św. Macieja 21
  7. ul. Trzebnicka 42
  8. ul. Grabiszyńska 6
  9. ul. Kościuszki 84
  10. ul. Nowowiejska 78
  11. ul. Rynek 9/11
  12. ul. Wojrowicka 58
  13. ul. Borowska 138
  14. ul. Krajewskiego 1/3
  15. pl. Powstańców Śląskich 20
  16. ul. Komandorska 118
  17. ul. Tramwajowa 2B
  18. ul. Pawia 35
  19. ul. Eluarda 51
  20. pl. Solidarności 1/3
  21. ul. Stabłowicka 147
  22. ul. Tęczowa 60
  23. ul. Krucza 49
  24. ul. Januszowicka 35/37
  25. ul. Reja 1/3
  26. ul. Poleska 46
  27. ul. Małopanewska 5
  28. ul. Koszykarska 2-4
  29. ul. Głubczycka 3
  30. ul. Kosmonautów 274
  31. ul. Czarnieckiego 5
  32. ul. Jugosławiańska 67
  33. ul. Solskiego 13
  34. ul. Sarbinowska 10
  35. ul. Brücknera 10
  • 6:00 p.m.: wROCK for FREEDOM – UPRISING’44

wROCK for Freedom will organise a special concert commemorating the 71th anniversary of the outbreak of the Warsaw Uprising. On the 1st of August, we will listen to two music & history projects: LAO CHE will play all songs from their legendary album ‘POWSTANIE WARSZAWSKIE’, and Maleo Reggae Rockers with the best Polish female vocalists will present ‘Panny Wyklęte: Wygnane’ [Cursed/Banished Maidens].

In the history & music project ‘Panny Wyklęte: Wygnane’, Kasia Kowalska, Ania Rusowicz, Monika Borzym, Marika, Marcelina, Lilu, Kasia Malejonek and the Dziewczyny band (Ania Szafraniec and Ola Nowak) will perform.The concert will take place in a new location: Park na Wyspie at ul. Wróblewskiego 9. These are the premises of the former Ślęza stadium, situated right behind the Wroclaw Zoo.

  • 10:00 p.m.: a special show of the Multimedia Fountain

On the occasion of the anniversary of the outbreak of the Uprising, a special show of the Wroclaw multimedia fountain has been prepared; it will start at 10:00 p.m.

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