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  3. Wroclaw for weekend: September 25-27 [EVENTS]
Maraton fitness na Wyspie Słodowej

Fitness Marathon on Slodowa Island

4 - 6 pm, Slodowa Island, free admission
The two-hour fitness marathon will be hosted by clubs involved in the Wroclaw fitWRO sports card.
The Fitness marathon will include: the energetic Zumba, the strengthening and modelling Shape exercises and the silencing and relaxing yin yoga. The final event will finish with two sporting events - the International Movement Week and Wroclaw Health Promotion Days. The first 50 people who will register and come to the marathon, will receive starter packages with T-shirts and pedometers. Registered at: www.tydzienruchu.wroclaw.pl
 50. urodziny Światowida - PIKNIK RODZINNY

50. Anniversary of Swiatowid - FAMILY PICNIC

From 5 pm, the green area at the ODT Swiatowid, ul. Sempołowskiej 54a

Feel invited to Światowid's 50th birthday party. The outdoor stage at the Centre will host a Wroclaw band Obierki and the guests from Toronto, i.e. the Balkan-Klezmer-Gypsy-Party-Punk-Super-Band Lemon Bucket Orkestra. The program includes also an exhibition of photographs illustrating the activities of the Centre and a spectacular firing of a ceramic sculpture of god Światowid. The happening will be hosted by the sculpture's author, Rytis Konstantinavicius, artist cooperating with the Centre or several years, and a Guinness record holder as the author of the world's largest ceramic vessel. There will be art shows (m.in Arabic dance and flamenco), stories, treats and surprises.

Recital Hanny Banaszak

Recital of Hanna Banaszak

from 6 pm, CK AGORA, Serbska 6a, tickets: 40-60 PLN

The artistic career of this titled and award-winning artist began in the late 70s. She often stressed that in her work she is interested in diversity and credibility of each subsequent performance. He continues to work with leading Polish artists: Jerzy Satanowski, Jan Kanty Pawluśkiewicz, Janusz Strobel, or Zbigniew Preisner.

Koncert Dwa żywioły: Aleksandra Kurzak i Krzysztof Cugowski

Concert - Two Elements: Aleksandra Kurzak and Krzysztof Cugowski

7 pm, the Centennial Hall, tickets 80 - 250 PLN

A combination of two elements, an extraordinary concert featuring Aleksandra Kurzak and Krzysztof Cugowski. The concert will be complemented by the Great Symphony Orchestra of Sudecka Philharmonic in Wałbrzych, Lublin Philharmonic Choir 'Lutnia Lubelska' and Lviv State Academic Choir 'Dudaryk.' More than 120 people will perform on the stage, including the choir.

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