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  3. Wroclaw for weekend: April 17-19 [EVENTS]


Synagoga pod Białym Bocianem (The White Stork Synagogue), ul. Włodkowica 5, Sunday, April 19, 17:00. Admission is free.

A vernissage of works by the participants of the first stage of the "Survivors to Savers" competition. The idea is to develop a concept of commemorating the Poles who were saving Jews during the German occupation. The aim of the competition is to complete the Remembrance, expressing gratitude to all the Poles who rescued Jews during the German occupation.

Pokaz multimedialnej instalacji

A show of a multimedia installation, "Sleeping" at the National Museum

National Museum, pl. Powstańców Warszawy 5, April 19, 20.00, admission is free

A special show of the multimedia installation "Sleeping" by Barbara Idzikowski, during which you can listen to Agata Zubel's song "Between" and see the illumination prepared by Bartłomiej Szlachcic. Admission free.

So Flow w Sanatorium Kultury

So Flow in Sanatorium Kultury

20.00, Przejście Garncarskie 2

So Flow is a band from Kraków, mixing nu - jazz, electronics and alternative music. Although the word "electronics" appears here, the musicians will play entirely live - mixing sounds of the sampler, the old analogue synthesizers, double bass, guitar and live drums. All this will be united with a magnetizing voice of the singer, Karolina Teernstra.

Koncert Kasi Stankiewicz promujący płytę Lucy And The Loop

Kasia Stankiewicz concert promoting the album Lucy And The Loop

20.30, Stary Klasztor Music Club, ul Purkyniego 1
Purkyniego 1, tickets: 30-40 PLN

Lucy And The Loop is the latest project of Stankiewicz, which is a combination of electronic music and an audiovisual performance. The album was recorded in Poland, London, New York and Iceland, where the music video for the single promoting the release was also created. Music from the new album is a combination of electronic and acoustic vibes. Lucy And The Loop is the first Polish electronic music concept album. Paintings and photographs were created to the songs, to illustrate the experiences and thoughts of the title character, Lucy. Film etudes are being prepared now.

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