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  3. Wroclaw becomes even greener! Fifteen main streets and squares will soon turn green [LIST, MAP]

It feels green! In the last few years, Wroclaw has gone green, with new plantings emerging throughout the city, including the centre! The city has chosen 15 arteries that will also be greened up. See the locations! Here is the list and map of streets and squares that will undergo a metamorphosis.

Wroclaw invests in greenery!

‘Climate change is a fact,’ says Katarzyna Szymczak-Pomianowska, Director of the Department of Sustainable Development of the Wroclaw City Office. ‘Wroclaw has tried to prevent these changes for years. When the temperature exceeds 30 degrees, the temperature of a road or pavement can reach even 50 or more degrees. And green surfaces maintain the air temperature – the local cooling effect. Under the trees, the temperature can be 7–8 degrees lower, which gives thermal comfort. Therefore, we are increasing the number of green places in Wroclaw.’

An example of the introduction of greenery into the city centre is not only Plac Nowy Targ, which is undergoing a green revolution, but also, for example:

  • Skwer Wrocławianek [Wroclaw Women>>'<
  • Plac Orląt Lwowskich, enriched with 1,800 shrubs and 1,700 perennials; a rain garden – a container that allows the free retention of rainfall and its use for watering purposes. On the other side of the square, from ul. Tęczowa, a new greenery and a rain garden have appeared;
  • ul. Bolesława Chrobrego – the Green Nadodrze project from Wroclaw Citizens’ Budget (WBO). Fourteen trees have been planted on the unsealed pavement here. In addition, flowerbeds have been arranged;
  • green arterial roads: Legnicka and Lotnicza, where nearly 1,000 trees have been planted.

These main streets and squares of Wroclaw will soon turn green – list and map

But this is not all! The city has chosen 15 important streets and squares that should be greened up.

Jacek Sutryk, Mayor of Wroclaw: ‘The greening of Plac Nowy Targ met with great enthusiasm from inhabitants, which motivated us to work even more intensely. Therefore, we have chosen further 15 streets and squares that will become model green arteries. The first works – 700 trees at Armii Krajowej – will be planted this year.

These are the streets and squares that will be greened up:

  • ul. Ślężna
  • ul. Bolesława Krzywoustego
  • Al. Jana III Sobieskiego
  • Al. Karkonoska
  • Al. Kochanowskiego
  • ul. Kwiatkowskiego (tree plantings along the road),
  • Al. Śląska
  • ul. Mickiewicza
  • Al. Armii Krajowej
  • ul. Żeromskiego
  • ul. Opolska/Krakowska
  • ul. Szczytnicka
  • Plac Solny
  • ul. Ruska
  • Market Square

Katarzyna Szymczak-Pomianowska, Director of the Department of Sustainable Development of the Wroclaw City Office: ‘The investments will obviously be carried out over the next few years, and we will seek external funding for that purpose. We will start from Armii Krajowej, where the planting of 700 trees will begin this autumn.

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