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  3. Winter Bird Count this weekend
Winter Bird Count this weekend

How many woodpeckers live in Park Wschodni? Is the buzzard still residing there? How many waxwings have fled frost in Northern Europe? Over the last few years, professional and amateur ornithologists have spent the last weekend of January conducting the Winter Bird Count.

The event, which was first organised in the UK, is now gaining in popularity across Europe.

In Poland, the initiative is coordinated by the Polish Society for the Protection of Birds (Ogólnopolskie Towarzystwo Ochrony Ptaków). Every year, thousands of bird lovers, both amateurs and professionals, venture into the field at the last weekend of January. In Wroclaw, Winter Bird Count walks are organised by Małgorzata Pietkiewicz. It is the fifth time the ornithologist has invited volunteers to visit Park Wschodni.

"We have a group of regular participants every year, but I can also see new faces, which is a good sign," she says.

Each year the Winter Bird Count returns to Park Wschodni to assess the changes in the winged population of this particular area of Wroclaw.

Małgorzata Pietkiewicz: "We are bound to see mallards and swans and a variety of woodpecker species as well as thrushes. Last year we saw a buzzard, which proves to be a rare sight in the city. I wonder if we can see it again this year. We will also find out whether winter frost in Northern Europe has driven the local species to Poland, for example wax wings. We will also be able to identify if any of our native birds have decided to spend winter in Poland.

The data collected during the Winter Bird Count are later recorded and sent to the Polish Society for the Protection of Birds. They are later used by scientists to analyse bird migration patterns in Poland.

If you wish to join the walk down the Oława channels, you should put on a warm coat or anorak and comfortable trekking shoes.

"It's worth taking a telescope or binoculars with you," suggests the Wroclaw ornithologist.

The participants are assembling on Saturday 24 January at 10 am at the car park adjacent to Park Wschodni. If you wish to register for the Winter Bird Count, feel free to send an email at [email protected].

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