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  3. University apiary under construction

From the beginning of the academic year, students and research workers of the University of Environmental and Life Sciences will observe the life of bees in their own apiary. The apiary is under construction in Swojczyce, where the university has its own experimental farm.

The apiary should be ready in two months. It will consist of 30 apiaries, in which 30 bee families will live. It will be a model modern apiary, which will be used both in teaching and research work of the university.

Bees and their products have been the subject of research at the Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences (WUELS) for many years. ‘The Wroclaw university is one of the three centres specialising in bee diseases in Poland and Professor Paweł Chorbiński from the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine is one of the best experts in health problems of bees,’ stresses Jolanta Cianciara, the spokesman for the WUELS.

At the Faculty of Biology and Animal Breeding, another expert in bees – Professor Adam Roman – has engaged in research on the toxicology of bee products for over 20 years. According to information from his laboratory, the condition of the natural environment in Lower Silesia has improved; it is cleaner because the number of harmful substances from the environment detected in bees’ organisms and products has decreased considerably since the 1990s.

Bee Day in the Botanical Garden

On Sunday the 9th of August, bees and their products will be in the centre of attention during the Bee Day that will be held in the Botanical Garden from 10:00 a.m. till 4:00 p.m. This event is planned on the occasion of the National Honey Bee Day celebrated in the USA on the 8th of August. The program of the event includes a speech on the Apidae family, a walk with an expert (honey plants), a presentation of beehives (including historical ones), beekeepers’ stories and advice, a board presentation of the life of bees, fairs devoted to mini beehives with insects, houses for insects, honey producers, gingerbread producers, healthy (honey-based) food, books and workshops (pottery wheels, clay, wax, felt, paints), a show of hand-painted artistic textiles, a picture exhibition, and open-air contests for adults and children.

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