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  3. The Foundation that runs Lelenfant project invites new citizens of Wrocław to the new cycle of workshops

The Foundation that runs Lelenfant project invites new citizens of Wrocław to the new cycle of workshops

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The international edition of Lelenfant 2023, organized by the Friendship Art Education Foundation in Wroclaw, was a great success. The audience of close to a thousand people was thrilled by the Grand Final Performance at the Polish Theatre in Wroclaw. Here, 70 young artists from 3 continents performed on one common stage all along. However, this is not the end of the artistic activities in Wroclaw which are based on a unique artistic and educational method, called "Kids teach kids". From September 24, a series of 4 parallel workshops ( one-day activities with a duration of 4 hours on a Saturday or Sunday) will take place in 3 districts in Wrocław.

Peer learning activities during the school year

Lelenfant is a continuation of the well known project „Brave Kids“, where young artists from different parts of the world gather and present a wide variety of art forms, incorporating their national and ethnic cultures. The performances of 2023 showcase the multiculturalism nature of the project perfectly; in this year, circus and acrobatic groups from Tanzania and the Czech Republic, a group presenting yoga from India, and dance groups from Palestine and Morocco performed in Wroclaw. The groups were joined by nearly 30 representatives from Wroclaw, demonstrating their theatrical, musical, dance and gymnastic talents alongside.

Honoring and remembering those groups, the Friendship Art Education Foundation has prepared the "Intercultural Gardens and Orchards" project, which starts on the 24th of September. The activities will be conducted by experienced art instructors.

"We are committed to create a space where children and young people from Wrocław continue their artistic work in line with the idea of 'children teach children,' especially since our society is becoming increasingly intercultural" - says Iwona Frydryszak from the Foundation. "Our project’s aims are channeled through art and creative potential. For this autumn’s activities the theme is connected to nature and community gardens."

Intergenerational activities

Apart from integrating new residents of the city, including those from Ukraine and Belarus, the project includes an intergenerational element. Parallel workshops for children and young people are going to take place, and then bring the two groups closer to each other in the next step.

"It is especially from seniors and senior citizens that the younger generation can be taught how to upkeep a community garden, so that children who find themselves confronted with the climate crisis will have the ability to grow their own food. One of the tools that we will use are the storytelling methods, in order to paint a picture about the human relationship with nature. We are also interested in what nature looks like in the birthplaces of the new residents of Wroclaw." - adds Iwona Frydryszak

Workshop schedule:

The classes are organized in cooperation with the foundation „Made in Brochów“, the „Wrocław Zachód Cultural Center“ and the association „Grupa z Pasją“.

BROCHÓW | Magdalena Młodzianowska - Chilmon ( sign-up: magdalena.mlodzianowska(at)madeinbrochow.wroclaw.pl)

Time table: 10.00-14.00 on 24.09, 7.10, 21.10, 4.11 - children's workshops (Sam Alty)

15.00 -19.00 on 22.09, 06.10 and 10.00 - 14.00 on 21.10, 4.11 - adult workshops (Agata Fogler)

NOWY DWÓR | Ewa Sawka (sign-up: ewa(at)fae-foundation.org)

Time table: 10.00-14.00 on 24.09, 7.10, 14.10, 4.11 - workshops for children (Joanna Bzdzion)

10.00 -12.00 on 25.09, 27.09, 02.10, 04.10 and h.10.00 -14.00 on 14.10, 4.11 - adult workshops (Julita Lech)

KOWALE | Beata Trybusz (sign-up: lelenfant.kowale(at)gmail.com)

Time table: 10.00 -14.00 on 24.09, 8.10, 14.10, 21.10 - workshops for children (Magdalena Celniaszek - Nykiel)

14.00 - 17.00 on 28.09, 05.10, 12.10 and 10.00 - 14.00 on 14.10, 21.10 - adult workshops (Witold Roy Zalewski)

During this year, within the framework of Lelenfant, the Foundation has conducted educational and artistic activities in which more than 200 children and young people from 3 different continents participated. The artistic performances were seen by an audience of 3,500 people up until this point. The international edition involved 44 artists from abroad and 23 from Poland, which were all supervised by 7 group leaders. 23 volunteers assisted in the project and the foreign artists lived with 14 host families.

For more information, please visit: www.faefoundation.art

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