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wroclaw.pl strona główna
  1. wroclaw.pl
  2. Guide
  3. Transport in Wroclaw
  4. Paid parking zone

The Roads and City Maintenance Authority (Zarząd Dróg i Utrzymania Miasta) in Wroclaw is in charge of parking areas,ul. Długa 49, 53 - 633 WroclawClient Service Centre (Biuro Obsługi Interesanta)phone: +48 71 376 07 34 or 376 07 92 www.zdium.wroc.pl

For parking in the metered parking zone, you need to pay at the parking meters. You may pain with coins, payment cards, mobile phone or URBANCARD. ATTENTION - parking meters do not give change.Upon payment with coins or the URBANCARD, the parking meter will print out a confirmation for the driver – a parking ticket to be placed behind the windscreen of the vehicle so that it can be inspected.

Upon payment via mobile operators: mPay, mobiParking or Skycash, the driver should place the identifier of the relevant operator behind the windscreen of the vehicle (to be collected from the Road and City Maintenance Authority (Zarząd Dróg i Utrzymania Miasta) or from the customer service centre of the City Parking Group).

The parking ticket from the parking meter is personalised by entering the registration number of the vehicle to be paid for from the keyboard. The registration number is indicated on the printed parking ticket.

ATTENTION! The system requires 7 characters of the registration number. If the registration number of your vehicle consists of 5 digits, enter 00 (double zero) at the end. If the registration number of your vehicle consists of more than 7 digits, do not enter the remaining characters.Parking fees for parking vehicles in the paid parking zone apply on working days from Monday to Friday, from 9.00 to 18.00 and fees will not be collected on weekends.

Rates of fees in zone A:

1) for the first hour of parking - PLN 3.00 per one hour of parking, with diversified fees due to the parking time: 

a) for the first commenced 20 minutes of parking - PLN 0.50, 

b) for the second commenced 20 minutes of parking - PLN 0.50, 

c) for the third commenced 20 minutes of parking - PLN 2.00. 

2) in the second hour of parking - PLN 3.60 per one hour of parking; 

3) in the third hour of parking - PLN 4.30 per one hour of parking;

4) in the forth and each subsequent hour of parking - PLN 3.00 per one hour of parking. 

Rates of fees in zone B: 

1) in the first hour of parking - PLN 3.00 per one hour of parking, with diversified fees due to the parking time 

a) for the first commenced 20 minutes of parking - PLN 0.50, 

b) for the second commenced 20 minutes of parking - PLN 0.50, 

c) for the third commenced 20 minutes of parking - PLN 2.00. 

2) in the second hour of parking - PLN 3.15 per one hour of parking; 

3) in the third hour of parking - PLN 3.30 per one hour of parking; 

4) in the forth and each subsequent hour of parking - PLN 3.00 per one hour of parking. 

Rates of fees in zone C: 

1) in the first hour of parking - PLN 2.00 per one hour of parking, with diversified fees due to the parking time 

a) for the first commenced 20 minutes of parking - PLN 0.50, 

b) for the second commenced 20 minutes of parking - PLN 0.50, 

c) for the third commenced 20 minutes of parking - PLN 1.00. 

2) in the second hour of parking - PLN 2.10 per one hour of parking; 

3) in the third hour of parking - PLN 2.20 per one hour of parking; 

4) in the forth and each subsequent hour of parking - PLN 2.00 per one hour of parking.

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