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  3. New cycling lanes almost ready [PHOTOS]
New cycling lanes almost ready [PHOTOS]

Finishing touches are now being added to cycling lanes in ul Kołłątaja, Skargi and Błogosławionego Czesława. The task was carried out as part of the Wroclaw Citizens' Budget.

Cycling lanes were provided at both sides of each road. A consortium of Elektrotim and Rotomat are working hard to complete the road markings. The results are already visible: the streets in the vicinity of Plac Dominikański are now red with newly marked cycling lanes. Bike boxes were also provided at intersections along the new route (for the time being, without suitable road markings). The contractor has yet to complete a new pavement in ul Kościuszki and paint road markings on cycling lanes. The work, which is carried out as part of Project 269 of the Wroclaw Citizens' Budget, is estimated at 425 thousand PLN and will have been completed by Christmas. Materials: ZDiUM

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