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  3. Mamidam.pl: Wroclaw portal making dreams come true

On the one hand, the portal registers people who have an idea, whether it is a journey of lifetime, a crazy event, an aid campaign, starting one's business, or anything else. They all share one thing - they have no means to start. Therefore they count on the help of the other group of people who can register at mamidam.pl: sponsors, companies and foundations that can help make these dreams come true.

The man behind the idea for the portal is Michał Makowski from Wroclaw, economist and philologist. 'I always wanted to somehow put together and organize people who are active, who want to help someone in making their passions, dreams, goals and other ideas come true, says Michał. - Thus far, I took part in such activities as a volunteer of, e.g. the Mam Marzenie Foundation, or the Wroclaw Hospice for Children and I saw how much this help means to the needy. On the other hand, I noticed how little is often needed to organize such aid. However, I felt I wanted something more. I do not mean that, for example, helping sick children was not enough for me. I just was realised that there are others who need help, too. I started looking around my industry. Together with friends, also financial advisors, we started supporting a variety of campaigns: the Children's Day, or the young athletes, and finally entered into a sponsorship agreement with Olympic Football Academy. For three years, my fellow advisors and I have been distributing leaflets of various organizations in accounting offices at the closing of the financial year, to support charity campaigns, he says.

But that was not the end of the search for solutions dedicated to the imaginative and creative. For Michał Makowski, all this was still too local. 'I imagined a nationwide platform that combines those who have an idea for themselves, with those who can help them implement it, he adds.

Michał Makowski - the person behind the portal mamidam.pl

It's enough if you have a cool idea: a trip, a concert, a patent, a student event, an invention, or need support to recover, or have a passion, talent. You can turn a dream into a target, thanks to one simple thing: opening a bank account.

So how does mamidam.pl work?

'If you want to help, report the initiative. Let's say a collection for a tour around the world. We create an event for you, similar to that on Facebook. You receive from us a link, which you can paste wherever you want: in the mail, on FB, on Twitter. This link is dedicated solely to this event, so anyone who opens an account by clicking this link, supports your event. Under an agreement with mamidam.pl, the bank transfers money to us, and we to you,' explains the originator. 'It is up to you to choose any account in any bank and you decide what purpose should the money serve,' he adds. 'And there is one more important thing. We are not competition for various foundations. On the contrary - we are a tool that can help them raise funds,' adds Michał Makowski.

According to the mamidam.pl crew, the portal is to grow, and the social function is scheduled for launch on the first day of spring. You can take a look at this idea already at mamidam.pl, and discover how it works step by step.

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