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  3. HCH in Jaszkotle needs help and volunteers
HCH in Jaszkotle needs help and volunteers

In order to treat and help others, they need help themselves. The Health Care House in Jaszkotle helps children in a severe health condition. The facility needs support and is seeking volunteers.

The Health Care House in Jaszkotle takes care of 60 children aged between a few months and 18 years. These children are in a severe health condition, with a physical or intellectual disability. Most of them are orphans.

"We take care of children who do not have to stay in hospital, but who require long-term care. Because of their disability and difficult family situation, they need permanent medical, nursing and rehabilitative care", says Karolina Mazur, the manager of the Health Care House for Children in Jaszkotle.

The facility is run by the Congregation of Sisters of Mary the Immaculate. The personnel consists of around 40 persons, mainly laypersons – they are doctors, nurses, medical care assistants and physiotherapists. The House has signed a contract with the National Health Fund, under which medical services are financed. The rest – food, childcare articles, articles of daily use, clothes, medicines and utility bills – is financed with money from sponsors and 1% of tax donated for public benefit organisations. The facility carries out EU projects and makes use of supplementary funding from domestic sources.

Children in HCH in Jaszkotle need help

"Only the bill for stove fuel is PLN 20,000 per month. That’s why we don’t have enough money for everything. We are grateful for any kind of help", stresses Karolina Mazur.

If you are willing to help the children, you can contribute, among others, food and clothes, but things such as audio/video equipment will also be welcome. You can bring your gifts personally or make a telephone appointment to hand them over.

Volunteers are needed in Jaszkotle

Money is not everything. The House is looking for volunteers who could spend some time with the children. Not only school-age or university students, but also families with children are welcome.

"We can already count on some families that arrive regularly. For our children, each such visit is a great experience", adds Karolina Mazur.

The ambassador of the House is Ania Wyszkoni. In the blog on her home page, she writes very warmly about the website that she feels in connection with her patronage of the children of HCH in Jaszkotle. Dariusz Miś from Dortmund came to Jaszkotle partly by accident – after a charity concert in support of the House, he arrived for a while… and could not leave.

"The children are wonderful. They are hungry for contact and wait for every guest. It is worth giving your free time to them", tells Dariusz Miś, adding that this will not be his only visit.

Sisters from Jaszkotle are happy with any kind of help. But they will especially like it when the children find families willing to adopt them and give love to them.

The John Paul II Health Care House for Children run by the Congregation of Sisters of Mary the Immaculate in Jaszkotle, tel./fax 71 390 68 83. Public benefit organisation: KRS No. 0000242402.

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