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  3. Django Girls, or computer savvy girls
Django Girls, or computer savvy girls

Women who do computer programming are still in the minority, but they are also doing increasingly well these days. Django Girls have come up with the idea to share their passion for coding with other women. So don't hesitate, join free training now!

The workshop is free of charge and scheduled for 11 July in Wroclaw, but you need to register by the end of May to take part in it. To find out more, please click here.

The workshop's programme includes the basics necessary to create a website and the foundations of the Python Programming Language and the Django Environment. The participants are going to explore the history of the Internet and the acronyms such as HTML or CSS, and they will also learn why websites should have external servers, not necessarily located at our homes. The organisers say this is all easy: this one day and gratuitous workshop is designed for beginners to give them a chance to take first steps as computer programmers. The participants are not required to have any prerequisite knowledge, and all you need to bring is your own computer. You should also have the knowledge of English necessary to go through a quick introduction. The rest of the workshop is conducted in Polish. Each group consists of three people and a mentor who makes sure that the workshop runs smoothly and in a friendly atmosphere.

The class is designed for women who have never tried their hand at computer programming. The first edition, which was held in Berlin in July 2014, has been organised by two Polish girls: Ola Sitarska and Ola Sendecka. The idea has caught on so much that it inspires women to create similar workshops throughout the world. Speaking of Poland. Django Girls have already made their presence felt in Warsaw, Kraków, Łódź and Wroclaw. The first Wroclaw edition was held in January 2015, and the upcoming edition has been scheduled for 11 July..=

On the Friday evening 10 July, the day preceding the actual workshop, Django Girls invite all the participants to join in the activities to install the necessary software and learn more about each other. The core part of the programme begins on the Saturday morning with a shared breakfast table. The sponsors provide lunch and something sweet for the participants to stay focused throughout the day!

More information on the workshop is available here.

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