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  3. Business without barriers in the Wroclaw Technology Park

The Wroclaw Technology Park (WPT) and the Wroclaw without Barriers Office, in co-operation with over 30 non-government organisations, public institutions, companies and universities, will create an exceptional space dedicated to the development of professional activity of persons with disabilities.

An initiative that will put this idea into practice in the context of entrepreneurship is the creation of the Integrative Business Incubator – a space within the Wroclaw Technology Park that will allow persons with disabilities to develop their professional activity. On 8th September 2020, after the signature of letters of intent, the implementation stage of work on the Incubator begins.

Support for persons with disabilities in comfortable conditions

The Integrative Business Incubator will support both persons with disabilities in undertaking professional activity and setting up their own companies and active entrepreneurs in creating jobs for persons with disabilities.

‘We have joined forces with the Wroclaw Without Barriers Office in order to create an interdisciplinary background for entrepreneurs engaging persons with disabilities. Our project assumes the provision of a space for doing business that is fully adapted to the needs of such persons. We will also create a comprehensive support and information centre in order to provide in one place the know-how and expert support to persons with disabilities willing to take up employment or set up a company and to entrepreneurs willing to employ them,’ says Maciej Potocki, the president of the Wroclaw Technology Park.

One of the most important aims of the project is to show that disability is not a barrier to employment, the undertaking of professional activity or self-employment, and co-operation and mutual openness can bring specific advantages for the market. This can be done, e.g., by promoting success stories of companies and individuals.

Joint potential

Within the scope of the Incubator, various workshops and training courses will be organised. The Incubator will also make it possible to establish new contacts and to obtain support from professional advisers, job coaches or psychologists. The project will combine the potential, experience and know-how of over 30 non-government organisations, public institutions and companies.

The space for business without barriers will be created in the WPT campus, in the building at ul. Fabryczna. The opening of the Integrative Business Incubator is scheduled for the 1st quarter of 2021.

The initiative is created by:

  • Biuro Wrocław Bez Barier,
  • Biuro Rozwoju Gospodarczego,
  • Biuro Współpracy z Uczelniami Wyższymi,
  • Biuro Zintegrowanych Inwestycji Terytorialnych we Wrocławiu,
  • Europejska Fundacja Aktywizacji Społecznej EFAS – Projekt asperIT,
  • Fundacja „Eudajmonia”, 
  • Fundacja „Imago”,
  • Fundacja „Potrafię Pomóc”,, 
  • Fundacja „Promyk Słońca”, 
  • Fundacja „Twoje Nowe Możliwości”,
  • Fundacja Ewangelickie Centrum Diakonii i Edukacji im. Ks. Marcina Lutra, TV Przystań,
  • Miejski Ośrodek Pomocy Społecznej,
  • Międzynarodowa Wyższa Szkoła Logistyki i Transportu,
  • Państwowy Fundusz Rehabilitacji Osób Niepełnosprawnych,
  • Polskie Towarzystwo Stwardnienia Rozsianego,
  • Politechnika Wrocławska,
  • Powiatowy Urząd Pracy,
  • Regionalne Centrum Wspierania Inicjatyw Pozarządowych,
  • Solid Solutions Sp. z o.o.,
  • Stowarzyszenie „Ostoja” na Rzecz Osób z Niepełnosprawnościami,
  • Stowarzyszenie Twórców i Zwolenników Psychostymulacji – Cafe Równik,
  • SWPS Uniwersytet Humanistycznospołeczny filia we Wrocławiu,
  • Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy we Wrocławiu.,
  • Womak Holding S.A.,
  • Wrocławski Zakład Aktywności Zawodowej,
  • Zakład Ubezpieczeń Społecznych,
  • Akademia Wojsk Lądowych we Wrocławiu,
  • Wyższa Szkoła Bankowa we Wrocławiu,
  • Organizacja Społeczna ORION,
  • Fundacja „Niepełnosprawni Stabłowice i Przyjaciele”,
  • Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny we Wrocławiu.

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