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wroclaw.pl strona główna
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  3. Wroclavia Shopping Centre replaces former PKS Coach Station [PHOTOS, VIDEO]

Wroclavia is as big as it gets. This commercial and office space complex and a coach station rolled into one was completed as a building shell in December 2016. The 240-million-euro investment is carried out by the French developer Unibail-Rodamco. The entire project is due to be completed in October 2017.

The concrete giant looks really impressive. The shopping centre, which is Wrocław's second largest after Magnolia, is 71 thousand sqm in size to provide 200 stores, 7 thousand sqm of office space, 20 cinema auditoriums for 3,200 people. Delineated by ul Borowska, Dyrekcyjna, Such and Joannnitów, the former PKS Coach Station is now being converted into an office building and shopping centre with Poland's one and only underground coach station. On 15 December, the investor announced that the building shell was completed.

Wroclavia Under Construction, December 2016. Photograph: Janusz Krzeszowski (click to browse the gallery)

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