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  3. The Raclawice Panorama closed for maintenance
The Raclawice Panorama closed for maintenance

From 16 November to 7 December, the Raclawice Panorama will be closed to the public for a minor maintenance work. Lighting of the canvas will be replaced.

The Raclawice Panorama is visited by 300 000 people annually, approx. 55 000 of whom are foreigners. The museum is open from 7.30 am to 9.30 pm and can't complain about the lack of visitors. For this reason, all renovation works in the Panorama have been carried out without closing the facility so far.

'At the end of 2016, or in early 2017, however, we will be forced to close the rotunda,' said Tadeusz Nesterowicz, Deputy Administration and Economic Director of the National Museum. 'What lies ahead is roof replacement. At the moment we have managed to renovate the building's surroundings in small steps, improve the tension of the canvas, repair cracked columns and replace the electric installation.

The Raclawice Panorama, a monumental painting by Wojciech Kossak and Jan Styka, presents the victorious battle of Poles with tsarist troops at Raclawice, during the Kosciuszko uprising. It was brought in from Lviv in 1946. And despite the fact that in the 1960s a special exhibition rotunda was created for it, it was only in 1981 that the maintenance works on the canvas began. The then non-political work, presenting the victorious Kosciuszko at Raclawice could only be prepared for exhibiting thanks to changes introduced after August 1980. The Panorama Raclawicka Social Committee, led by Prof. Alfred Jahn, as well as the conservator and realization teams, ensured the grand opening of the Panorama on 14 June 1985.

Starting on November 16, ticket prices for the Raclawice Panorama will also change A regular ticket will cost 30 PLN, and reduced and family ticket - 23 PLN.

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