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  3. TEDxWroclaw The Musical at Capitol Theatre [PROGRAMME]
TEDxWroclaw The Musical at Capitol Theatre [PROGRAMME]

Robots, theatre in the cloud, slow sex and other topics, and a musical to round it all off. The participants in TEDxWroclaw The Musical: Break The Silence are in for a unique fusion of sounds and ideas. A number of eminent guests, including Robert Biedroń and Olga Malinkiewicz, are expected to feature in the programme.

Organised in collaboration with the Capitol Music Theatre, this year's TEDxWroclaw combines TED Talks with a musical. The organisers came up with an innovative formula to promote a variety of ideas that are worth spreading. The event is held in English.

Find out more about the speakers and the topics, which are sometimes controversial, and the detailed programme of this uniquely inspiring event:

TEDxWroclaw The Musical: Break The Silence

TEDxWroclaw The Musical: Break The Silence

Termin 26 June 2016, from 9.30 am till 9 pm

Miejsce Capitol Music Theatre in Wroclaw

Inspired by TED Talks, TEDxWroclaw is an independent and non-profit initiative aimed at promoting Ideas that are Worth Spreading in Wroclaw. To date, TEDxWroclaw has organised for annual major conferences as well as topical events such as TEDxWroclawWomen, TEDxYouth@Wroclaw and an interactive series called TEDx Adventures.

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