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  1. wroclaw.pl
  2. News
  3. REC Global is looking for IT professionals
REC Global is looking for IT professionals

REC Global is looking for engineers, architects, software testers and many other professionals from the IT industry.

There are 100+ job offers in the field of embedded systems, mobile and Internet applications and the Internet of Things.Job offers in Poland, Croatia and Slovakia can be checked on the website of the company

REC Global is a dynamically growing group of companies providing software development services. REC was established in 2007, but the first plans to establish the company were made as early as 2000. The know-how and experience of REC encompasses theoretical and practical knowledge concerning the execution of large commercial solutions and software projects as well as the skillful implementation of prototypes for the purposes of research or development of new product lines.

The company employs over 400 persons in various locations around the world, mainly in Poland, Germany, Great Britain, Croatia, Slovakia and the United States. It operates on 17 markets in Europe and the USA.

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