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  3. Performance about Poland in Bourgeoisie Brewery
Performance about Poland in Bourgeoisie Brewery

How is Poland perceived by foreign artists? You can see for yourself by watching “The Harmony of Contrasts. Poland” [Harmonia Przeciwstawień. Polska] – a performance prepared by Matejka Studio in the Bourgeoisie Brewery. The performance will be shown from the 17th till the 20th of September.

We want to show how completely opposite standards, views and behaviours co-exist in Poland,” says Matej Matejka, Slovak-born director of the performance. „The project involves performers not only from Poland, but also from France, Ukraine, Congo, USA, Greece and other countries. All of them will create a subjective landscape of what Poland means to them,” he adds.

Thirteen performers from nine countries decided to make an attempt to look at the Polish reality, which is full of absurdities and contrasts, from their own perspective.

The form of the performance goes beyond traditional theatrical shows, because the spectator will become both a witness and an active participant of public and intimate situations. Initially guided, he will also have an opportunity to choose which scenes he wants to watch and in what order. He will go both through places that are forgotten in history and the common consciousness and through places that keep recurring and are present. For four days, the Bourgeoisie Brewery will turn into a platform composed of fragments of what is the essence of Polishness for artists.

The performance will open a planned cycle of interdisciplinary performative actions. Their aim will be to continue reflections on the current social and political situation of Poland by bringing up specific problems of today that are important to Poles.

"The Harmony of Contrasts. Poland" performance will be show from the 17th till the 20th of September (Wednesday-Saturday) at 7:00 p.m. in the Bourgeoisie Brewery (ul. Hubska 44). Tickets at the price of PLN 15 and PLN 20 can be bought via Biletin network, in the Grotowski Institute (Rynek-Ratusz 27) and in the Bourgeoisie Brewery one hour before the show. Tickets can be reserved by e-mail or by phone: ([email protected], tel. 71 34 45 320).


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