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  3. Opening weekend at Wroclaw House of Literature
Opening weekend at Wroclaw House of Literature

A number of eminent authors, including Siemion, Andrus, Parys, Springer, Cherezińska and Janko, are featured in the programme to celebrate the official opening of the House of Literature in Wroclaw's Przejście Garncarskie at the upcoming weekend (17 and 18 September).

"The Wroclaw House of Literature has been open since January, but the formal commencement comes now, at the end of the summer," says Professor Andrzej Zawada, Head of the Wroclaw House of Literature. "We've had some renovation and programme work previously. The Wroclaw House of Literature is a new institution not only in Wroclaw, but also in Poland, which is why we are seeking a formula for the successful promotion of literary life in the city. Feel free to join us, regardless of who you are: young or old, a poet or an avant-garde artist. Everyone's invited," says Professor Zawada. "Our goal is to bring a number of literary events in one location, and create a space that is inviting to both the readers and the authors.

The Wroclaw House of Literature provides a venue for meet-the-author sessions, literary discussions, book premières, competitions, exhibitions, book fairs (Wroclaw Good Book Fair and DOBRE STRONY Children's Book Fair), meetings with literary critics and scholarly discussions. One important goal of the new institution is to promote literary education among children, young people and adults, and to bring different literary circles together. The House of Literature is also a publisher. Wydanictwo Warstwy, the House's publishing brand has been in the market since 2014. "The Wroclaw House of Literature is also going to showcase the local literary traditions," says Professor Zawada. "Both historical and contemporary, as literature is not something different from the city." The Wroclaw House of Literature also runs Klub Proza, where a variety of literary events are held.

"The House of Literature is locally based, but our activities are international," says Professir Zawada. The City Office has also come up with a plan to create a centre for literary translators from Polish in Tymoteusz Karpowicz's former house in Krzyki. "This is one of the most efficient ways to increase the visibility of Polish literature in the world," says Professor.

Everyone is now looking forward to the House of Literature Opening Weekend. "We've invited a variety of authors to suit different needs and literary tastes," says Beata Gigiel from the Wroclaw House of Literature.

The weekend commences with a literary breakfast at Klub Proza. The diners will be able to savour a number of literary dishes such as: "secret garden", "criminal scrambled eggs", "temptation of Wiktor", "morning in Nawłoć", "Orzelski's delicacy", "Sędzia's platter", "it does now always have to caviar", "raspberry hedge", "to love" or "Bilbo Baggins's dessert". The prices of the buffet is 39 PLN.

The programme of the Opening Weekend has been prepared in collaboration with Polskie Radio Programme III. Meet-the-author sessions will be conducted by Michał Nogaś (Polskie Radio Programme III) and Professor Stanisław Bereś. The sessions are going to feature a number of celebrated authors, including Artur Andrus, Elżbieta Cherezińska, Anna Janko, Magdalena Parys, Filip Springer or Piotr Siemion. The programme features a number of local references, including an evening devoted to poet Tadeusz Rózewicz, a long-standing resident of Wroclaw: Around Różewicz (guests: Adam Hawałej, Maria Dębicz, Professor Jacek Łukasiewicz, Professor Wojciech Browarny, Jan Stolarczyk; moderated by: Tatiana Drzycimska), a photograph exhibition by Adam Hawałej and meet-the-author session (poets from Lower Silesia) featuring Klara Nowakowska, Julia Szychowiak, Aldona Kopkiewicz, Radosław Wiśniewski, Przemysław Witkowski; moderated by Karol Maliszewski, PhD.

Wrocławski Dom Literatury. Weekend Otwarcia

Wroclaw House of Literature. Opinening Weekend

Meetings / Meet-the-author sessions / All Ages / ECC
Termin From 17 September 2016 11:00 till 18 September 2016 20:30

Miejsce Klub Proza

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