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wroclaw.pl strona główna
  1. wroclaw.pl
  2. Guide
  3. Lost-and-Found Office

Lost-and-Found Office

Ewa Waplak,

Materiał archiwalny

Losing a personal item in a tram, bus or a public place does not always mean that we have lost it forever. Many left items are transferred to the Lost-and-Found Office.

After one day from their loss, items left in public transport vehicles (in buses and trams) are transferred to the Lost-and-Found Office of the Municipal Transport Company (MPK), ul. B. Prusa 75-79; phone 71 372 28 90, opening hours: Wednesday 8:30 a.m. – 4.00 p.m., other working days 8:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.

Persons looking for lost items and contacting the Lost-and-Found Office must specify:

  • what kind of thing (item) has been lost, describe it and state its characteristic features;
  • specify when and in what vehicle this thing was lost.

Items left in another public place are transferred to the Municipal Lost-and-Found Office. It is open from Monday to Friday, 8:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m., in the office of the Administration of Roads and City Maintenance at ul. Długa 49, in Building H, phone 71 376 08 96.

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