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  3. Free public transport to polling stations for everyone and a new system-wide discount for people with disabilities?

People with a moderate degree of disability will be entitled to a 50% discount on public transport tickets. The city has prepared a draft resolution. If city council members approve this idea, the discount will be valid from April. Wroclaw also wants to introduce free public transport service during elections. The City Council will deal with changes in ticket fees during its March session.

People with a moderate degree of disability will be entitled to a 50% discount on public transport tickets. The city has prepared a draft resolution. If city council members approve this idea, the discount will be valid from April. Wroclaw also wants to introduce free public transport service during elections. The City Council will deal with changes in ticket fees during its March session.

‘On 15th October, we showed that we could be proud of ourselves. The turnout in the parliamentary elections in Wroclaw was over 81%. We want to make it easier for the inhabitants to take part in elections – not only forthcoming but also any further elections, irrespective of their level. Together with city council members, we will propose the introduction of a comprehensive – not incidental – solution ensuring free public transport on all election days,’ explains the Mayor of Wroclaw Jacek Sutryk.Paulina Tyniec-Piszcz, the director of the Department of Transport of the Wroclaw City Office, adds: ‘We support turnout-boosting activities. On every election Sunday, all passengers will be exempt from fees. We want to ensure that these provisions apply to forthcoming local government and European elections.’

Three holidays of democracy – 7th and 21st April and 9th June 2024 – with free transport for everyone should cost the city around 600,000 PLN (the estimated amount of lower income from ticket sales).

50% discounts on public transport fees for people with moderate disability

The second planned change – the introduction of 50% discounts for people with a moderate degree of disability – will cost around 1.8 million PLN. There are around 16,000 people with such a diagnosis in Wroclaw, but some of them can enjoy privileges already now. If they are less than 21 years old and still learn or are seniors at the age of 65+, they may travel for free.

Disability is not a barrier to professional or social activity. The more people with disabilities will work, the better for the city budget – they will pay taxes. Therefore, every step contributing to their activation is very good.

Adam Komar, President of the Potrafię Pomóc [I Can Help] Foundation

The Wroclaw City Council will deal with changes in ticket fees during its March session.

Persons from outside Wroclaw travelling with season tickets and single tickets will also be entitled to reduced ticket prices. The only requirement is to have an identity card or the aforementioned disability certificate.

‘We see the increasing share of passengers in public transport and an increase in ticket revenue. In 2023, we had 194.5 million rides – over 20 million more than in 2022. This is accompanied by record sales of public transport tickets. Last year they were sold for a total of 208 million PLN. The year-on-year value of sales is over 21 million PLN higher. This is an 11% increase,’ says Paulina Tyniec-Piszcz.

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