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  3. EuGenius, or robot guide
EuGenius, or robot guide

The robot likes human company, expresses feelings with gestures and facial expressions, and it also makes a good guide. Meet EuGenius, a robot guide brought to you by General Robotics, a company based at the Wroclaw Park of Technology.

EuGenius is a robot conceived as a gallery or museum guide. This is the first such robot from General Robotics, an engineering company based in the Wroclaw Park of Technology. The company gathers a number of Wroclaw university graduates who are now recognised experts in electronics, IT, automatic s and mechanics. Some of their projects include the Agribot tractor and a Mars roving vehicle. "Wherever we go, EuGenius brings smiles to people's faces, which I find particularly rewarding as a designer. Both adults and children are happy to see or interact with the robot," says General Robotics Director Michał Ogórek.

The name EuGenius is intended to highlight its European pedigree, and it also goes to show that American and Asian companies have a worthy opponent with no intention to rest on his laurels.

Maciej Potocki, CEO at the Wroclaw Park of Technology: "What we are most happy about is that our Polish robot designers can be a worthy competition to their American or Japanese rivals. The vision we know from films such as "I, Robot" or "Artificial Intelligence" is now becoming a reality."

As of the end of June, EuGenius will be showing around visitors at the Manggha Musem of Japanese Art and Technology in Kraków.

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