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  3. T-Mobile New Horizons on tour from January
T-Mobile New Horizons on tour from January

Held each summer in Wroclaw, the T-Mobile New Horizons Festival turns into a nationwide event in winter. The awarded films go on a tour to visit 36 cities throughout Poland. The tour kicks off on 1 January in Kraków and comes to a close on 24 January in Łódź. Special screenings will also be held at the Nowe Horyzonty Cinema (8-14 January). See what's on for the viewers.

New Horizons on a tour or how to catch up

The T-Mobile New Horizons Tour features those films that attracted notice and recognition from both critics and viewers during the summer festival. "Goodnight Mommy" or "Arabian Nights" (and five other films) will be travelling in January to entertain cinema audiences in 36 cities throughout Poland, including major cities such as Warsaw, Kraków, Gdańsk, Katowice as well as smaller ones, including Elbląg, Kętrzyn and Sanok. The tour also stops in Wroclaw at the Nowe Horyzonty Cinema, which also serves as a festival venue in July.

What's on

It is worth catching up on latest quality independent cinema, which is difficult to come by in Poland. "Lucifer" by Gust Van den Berghe (Grand Prize in Wroclaw) portrays the title protagonist on his usual route between heaven and hell as he makes a stop-over in Mexico. The audience follow his every move through a tondoscope (hence the "fish eye" images). "The Project of the Century" by Carlos M. Quintel (a special mention in Wroclaw) depicts an unfinished Soviet-Cuban power plant and main protagonists who, out of boredom, engage in passionate discussions that are set against the backdrop of a landscape derived from the bleakest Communist nightmare. "Goodnight Mommy" by Severin Fiala and Veronika Franz (Audience Award) tells a story of twin brothers who are beginning to suspect that their mother, who arrived from hospital completely dressed in bandages, is not the same person. Running to 6 hours in length, the "Arabian Nights" trilogy by Miguel Gomes brings a contemporary account of the economic crisis in Portugal in a fairy-tale form (FIPRESCI Prize in Wroclaw). One of the hottest pictures (due to its director, actor and main hero), "Pasolini" by the charismatic Abel Ferrara with stunning contribution from Willem Dafoe, who stars as the legendary Italian film director Pier Paolo Pasolini, an artist notorious for his scandalising film productions.

When in Wroclaw?

The tour arrives at the Nowe Horyzonty Cinema in Wroclaw on 8 January and leaves on 14 January. The list of productions to be screened on a given day will be provided on the Nowe Horyzonty Cinema's web page.

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