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  3. ECC 2016: Lectures on architecture
ECC 2016: Lectures on architecture

This time, the speaker will be Julien de Smedt, a Belgian architect and founder of the company JDS Architects, which developed the projects for the office buildings and the swimming bath Harbour Bath in Copenhagen. But that's not all! Eight more meetings with world authorities in the field of design have been scheduled until October, as part of the ECC 2016.

Thanks to the "Big A" cycle, we will have the opportunity to listen to great architects from Europe, North and South America. The meeting was divided into three panels - Nature, Community and Architecture, and the project is part of the European Capital of Culture 2016. The lectures will be held once a month (March is unique in this respect, because it will include two lectures), with three meetings in each panel in three Wroclaw locations - Wroclaw Congress Centre, the office of the Association of Polish Architects (SARP) at ul. Oławska 11 and in the Museum of Architecture.

Coming up is a lecture of Julien de Smedt in the panel Nature, which will be held in the conference hall of Wroclaw Congress Centre at the Centennial Hall on March 7 at 6 pm. Why was this particular Belgian architect chosen?

The presence of Julien de Smedt is not accidental, especially in Wroclaw, a city in which water has played and still plays a huge role. Smedt's career began from working for the legendary architect Rem Koolhaas, and today he himself can boast a decade-old company, which is enjoying great success. The company JDS Architects is responsible, among others, for organizing the waterfront in Copenhagen (which is filled with office buildings, but even in such industrial environment it managed to organize recreation areas) and the Harbour Bath, also in the capital of Denmark (a perfectly planned municipal swimming bath). Julien de Smedt's lecture is entitled "City On the River;" the architect will be talking about how the water affects the spacial design.

Schedule of the lectures:

The cycle Nature: March 7, 2016 (City On the River) March 29, 2016 (Green City) April 4, 2016 (Urban Farms)

The cycle Community:

May 9, 2016 (Local Communities)

June 6, 2016 (City For Pedestrians) July 4, 2016 (Art In the City) The cycle Architecture: August 1, 2016 (City. Place. Residence) September 19, 2016 (The (Not) Beautiful Space) October 10, 2016 (Future Now)

Details of the "Big A" cycle are available at the webpage of the ECC 2016.

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